I am going to be giving you a personal wallet for all of your cryptocurrencies. You are going to have to have a specific wallet and tools provided below to be able to use and fund FIAT into a variety of Cryptocurrencies. To do this, you will have to be apart of some exchanges. You can start by using the coinbase provided below. You will get free bitcoin from the other great offers also.
Sign up for this wallet for cryptocurrencies and you will receive 10$ in Bitcoin!
Go Here and set up with COINBASE.
Your wallet will be used for things such as, processing funds in from all your checking accounts. This also includes your credit cards and all other great offered exchanges. Coin base supports bitcoin ,bitcoin cash, Ethereum also known as ETH and Lite coin (LTC), This makes it simple to update USD into cryptocurrencies for citizens of the United States. Once you’re there you will be able to transfer USD into Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum and also Lite coin. You will then transfer from your coin base to a separate wallet.
10$ in bitcoin now could end up turning into a lot more with the growth of bitcoin.
This is a perfect way to get into cryptocurrencies without having much knowledge base to begin with. You will learn as you go and I will have additional pages for you to read to gain the knowledge. Just know that when it comes to Cryptocurrencies, having a wallet is sort of like having a wallet in your back pocket, it is a must. Also, in addition, cryptocurrency is very similar to the stock market.
You will need the AUTHY APP to get proper verification within COINBASE. Go here to get it. or the i tunes or google play. you can use it on smartphones, desktops and laptops. Although it may work best on your smartphone.